Featured Artist Forked Up Art

Browse through any handmade venue whether on line or at a craft show and you are bound to see some repeats. Well, that is until you get stopped in your tracks by an amazing artist (though he insists that he is not artistic, but merely creative) that has found a completely unique way to make people smile!

Judson is a husband and father of a two year old son with another on the way whose last art class was in 5th grade…and he got a C- in that!  Guess traditional art is not his thing as he readily admits that he couldn’t paint or draw if his life depended on it.  Judson did, however, make his mark in the artistic world with, of all things, silverware.

 Judson was studying Business Administration at the University of Utah and, like so many college students, couldn’t find a job!  Being broke, and necessity being the mother of all invention, he happily bent and welded a fork into a figurine as a gift to his dad.  While the little figurine started out as a joke, he quickly found that people were interested in his creations and Forked Up Art was born.

Forked Up Art is one of those businesses that really make you stop and smile.  According to Judson, everyone can relate to forks and spoons as they are a part of our every day life…but not quite like this!  He has managed to take an already useful object, rework it into another useful object such as a business card holder, and give it a sense of humor.  This winning combination is sure to make people stop and smile, which is one of Judson’s favorite aspects of his work.

 Now, I don’t want you to think that Judson’s first little fork creation launched him to world wide fame overnight…not even close!  He began showing his creations on ebay and amazon and quickly found that selling is a slow process.  He joined Etsy and was found by a product reviewer.  His fork art was featured on CNET.com and this publicity started him on his way to working in the handmade art world full time.

Judson understands that you have to keep pushing to continue growing.  He will sell anywhere that people let him…art festivals, home show, internet sites, and even a bit of wholesale work.  He is realistic when it comes to selling handmade and reminds people that in order to really make a living at this you have to come up with something totally different that will “blow people’s minds!”  There is a lot of competition and you have to differentiate yourself from all of them in some way.  If you do come up with an original idea, technique or concept…the sky is the limit!

You ready to smile?  Check out Forked Up Art on the HandmadeArtistsShop as well as his own website and prepare to smile!  Finally, in Judson’s own words “May the Fork be with You!”


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